

Frei Otto e Fiedler tornaram-se amigos após 3 anos de cartas enviadas do Brasil, onde Nelson Fiedler buscava aprender com seu aspiracional mentor. Otto encontra em Fiedler um engenheiro jovem com mente firme a um grande futuro. Adiante destes dias como pode ser visto nas fotos formou se uma ótima cooperação.

Intermediado por Nelson Fiedler, o encontro entre Frei Otto e Oscar Niemayer onde puderam falar sobre a leveza das tensoestruturas e das cascas em concretro armado. muitos aspectos da vida foram tratados como música, urbanismo e amor.

Nelson Fiedler ficou impressionado com a quantidade de conhecimento trocada neste dia e com a similaridade nas linhas de design dos dois famosos e geniais arquitetos.

História Fiedler
História Fiedler
História Fiedler
História Fiedler
História Fiedler
História Fiedler


1979 Sr. Nelson Fiedler begins working on solar panels and then tensil estrucutures , unknown in Brasil till that time. Nelson is 19 years old, he is in the 2nd year of engineering school, contracts two employees and start working in his garage manufacturing small tents. Develops for apple II a software that allows transform 3D expressions in flat pannels to be weld in to the tensile shapes
1986 After meeting Frei Otto and taking him as a mentor Fiedler starts to build larger and more complex strucutures
1987 High computing power from “cray supercomputers” aquired in the University of Porto Alegre Brasil finite element software “ansys “ starts building larger structures
1997 Move the company to São Paulo to build for MTV, TV Globo and Rock in Rio
2003 Frei Otto visits Nelson and attends 1st Latin American Tensil Estructures feira at USP
2010 Professional management, Angel investors, harbour roof contracts and patents. A new cicle of growth meanwhile a J. V. for stadium roof is created.
2013 Starts production of 1st harbour roof, completed Maracana roof in record time in jv, new investors and register in CVM..
2014 Completes Beira Rio Stadium, Arena das Dunas Stadium, Maracanã and Fundao Stations.
2015 Wind mill developing started here.
2016 An energy spin of is created to develop wind mills.
2017 Develops FW 59 200 kw vawt wind mill.
2018 Sets running the 4th vawt prototipe FW 68 225 kw on February. Back to the solar panels structure developing.